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Bryan, OH Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT) Therapists
Top Match
Hi there! I am a Licensed Professional Clinical Counselor (LPCC) in the State of Ohio. I received my Master's Degree in Mental Health Counseling from ... MORE
Anger Management, Anxiety, Depression, F
+10 More
Treatment Approach
Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT),
+14 More
VNPN, Unity Preferred Network, Centivo,
+14 More
Hi there! I am a Licensed Professional Clinical Counselor (LPCC) in the State of Ohio. I received my Master's Degree in Mental Health Counseling from Franciscan University of Steubenville in 1998. I h... MORE
Top Match
Janeane is a Registered and Board Certified Art Therapist, Licensed Independent Cliinical Counselor with Supervision designation, a Licensed Independe... MORE
ADHD, Addiction, Anxiety, Bipolar Disord
+21 More
Treatment Approach
Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT),
+18 More
CareSource, Aetna, ClaimDOC, OccuNet, Pr
+13 More
Janeane is a Registered and Board Certified Art Therapist, Licensed Independent Cliinical Counselor with Supervision designation, a Licensed Independent Chemical Dependency Counselor with both Cliinic... MORE
Top Match
I have been a licensed Clinical Therapist for over twenty years. I graduated from Ohio University in 1996 as a psychology major and in 1998 earned my... MORE
Anxiety, Bipolar Disorder, Depression, F
+11 More
Treatment Approach
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Emot
+5 More
VNPN, CareSource, United Health Care, Oc
+13 More
I have been a licensed Clinical Therapist for over twenty years. I graduated from Ohio University in 1996 as a psychology major and in 1998 earned my Master’s degree in Clinical Social Work from Ca... MORE
I have worked with women and men who have experienced trauma resulting in panic attacks, night terrors, agoraphobia, and substance use. Often, this wo... MORE
Addiction, Anger Management, Anxiety, De
+15 More
Treatment Approach
Assertive Community Treatment (ACT), Att
+14 More
Decent, Self Pay, United Health Care, VN
+14 More
I have worked with women and men who have experienced trauma resulting in panic attacks, night terrors, agoraphobia, and substance use. Often, this would interfere with relationships, self-worth, and ... MORE
Hi there! My name is Erin and I'm a licensed mental health therapist with a passion for helping people overcome their mental health struggles. With ov... MORE
ADHD, Addiction, Anger Management, Anxie
+20 More
Treatment Approach
Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT),
+16 More
Centivo, Medical Mutual of Ohio, United
+15 More
Hi there! My name is Erin and I'm a licensed mental health therapist with a passion for helping people overcome their mental health struggles. With over 13 years of experience in the field, a master's... MORE
My name is Eric. I've been in the field of Social Work for 6 years. In that time, I have worked with adults who struggle with various addiction and me... MORE
Addiction, Anxiety, Bipolar Disorder, De
+6 More
Treatment Approach
Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT),
+6 More
OccuNet, Medical Mutual of Ohio, CareSou
+13 More
My name is Eric. I've been in the field of Social Work for 6 years. In that time, I have worked with adults who struggle with various addiction and mental health concerns. I have provided support for ... MORE
Hey! My name is Dustin Cooley and I am a licensed clinical therapist in Ohio. I have about 10 years in this field and have been licensed since 2016. I... MORE
Anger Management, Anxiety, Bipolar Disor
+14 More
Treatment Approach
Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT),
+16 More
Anthem, Centivo, OccuNet, VNPN, Self Pay
+12 More
Hey! My name is Dustin Cooley and I am a licensed clinical therapist in Ohio. I have about 10 years in this field and have been licensed since 2016. I have worked with people in every walk of life who... MORE
I have a Bachelor's degree in psychology and in 2007 I graduated from The Ohio State University with a Master's in Social Work. Now, as a Licensed Ind... MORE
Anger Management, Anxiety, Autism, Bipol
+15 More
Treatment Approach
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Dial
+8 More
Aetna, Cigna, United Health Care, Self P
+12 More
I have a Bachelor's degree in psychology and in 2007 I graduated from The Ohio State University with a Master's in Social Work. Now, as a Licensed Independent Social Worker (LISW) I enjoy working in ... MORE
I understand that pain in life is unavoidable, and as your therapist, I want to help you work toward a healing solution. I use a wide variety of resea... MORE
ADHD, Addiction, Anger Management, Anxie
+24 More
Treatment Approach
Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT),
+23 More
Aetna, Prime Health, ClaimDOC, Anthem, D
+12 More
I understand that pain in life is unavoidable, and as your therapist, I want to help you work toward a healing solution. I use a wide variety of research-based interventions, including eclectic therap... MORE
I am an independently licensed Marriage and family therapist in the state of Ohio. I am a Master’s level clinician and have 26 years of experie... MORE
ADHD, Anger Management, Anxiety, Autism,
+19 More
Treatment Approach
Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT),
+18 More
Prime Health, OccuNet, Decent, Anthem, S
+13 More
I am an independently licensed Marriage and family therapist in the state of Ohio. I am a Master’s level clinician and have 26 years of experience working with children, adolescents, and famili... MORE
Lisa is an accomplished Registered Art Therapist and Supervising Licensed Professional Clinical Counselor whose practice extends across Ohio and Indi... MORE
Addiction, Anger Management, Anxiety, Bi
+14 More
Treatment Approach
Aromatherapy, Art Therapy, Cognitive Beh
+20 More
Cigna, Centivo, Decent, Aetna, Unity Pre
+14 More
Lisa is an accomplished Registered Art Therapist and Supervising Licensed Professional Clinical Counselor whose practice extends across Ohio and Indiana. Grounded in a profound understanding of traum... MORE
Jacqulyn "Michele" Rankin is a licensed professional clinical counselor with a supervisory designation. She is a graduate of Ursuline College with a m... MORE
Anger Management, Anxiety, Autism, Child
+18 More
Treatment Approach
Art Therapy, Behavioral modification, Ch
+18 More
Bright Health Plan, Cigna, CareSource, A
+14 More
Jacqulyn "Michele" Rankin is a licensed professional clinical counselor with a supervisory designation. She is a graduate of Ursuline College with a master's in Art Therapy and Counseling. She has bee... MORE
Hello, my name is Nicole Donofrio I’m a Licensed Independent Social Worker based in the Cleveland area and advocate for social justice, with a passi... MORE
Anxiety, Child or Adolescent Mental Heal
+13 More
Treatment Approach
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Dial
+6 More
Aetna, Self Pay, Centivo, Cigna, Anthem,
+13 More
Hello, my name is Nicole Donofrio I’m a Licensed Independent Social Worker based in the Cleveland area and advocate for social justice, with a passion for helping people and making our world a bette... MORE
I am licensed in the State of Ohio with 27 years of professional work experience. I have experience in helping clients with coping with addictions, r... MORE
Addiction, Anger Management, Anxiety, Bi
+10 More
Treatment Approach
Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT),
+14 More
Decent, Unity Preferred Network, Prime H
+13 More
I am licensed in the State of Ohio with 27 years of professional work experience. I have experience in helping clients with coping with addictions, relationship issues, trauma and abuse, anxiety, dep... MORE
My name is Mary and I have been working with clients and families for over 20 years. My focus is on strength-based therapy and meeting clients where t... MORE
Anxiety, Child or Adolescent Mental Heal
+16 More
Treatment Approach
Behavioral modification, Cognitive Behav
+15 More
Unity Preferred Network, CareSource, VNP
+12 More
My name is Mary and I have been working with clients and families for over 20 years. My focus is on strength-based therapy and meeting clients where they are currently in their lives. I focus primaril... MORE
I believe counseling is a holistic collaborative effort between the therapist and the individual, couple, or family seeking services. I have experienc... MORE
ADHD, Antisocial Behavior, Anxiety, Bipo
+21 More
Treatment Approach
Behavioral modification, Cognitive Behav
+18 More
Medical Mutual of Ohio, Prime Health, De
+14 More
I believe counseling is a holistic collaborative effort between the therapist and the individual, couple, or family seeking services. I have experience helping with a variety of mental health and emot... MORE
Do you find yourself saying, "Wait, this isn't how my life was supposed to go"? The truth is that it’s never too late to write a new story of who yo... MORE
Anxiety, Bipolar Disorder, Depression, D
+15 More
Treatment Approach
Assertive Community Treatment (ACT), Att
+14 More
ClaimDOC, CareSource, Centivo, Prime Hea
+13 More
Do you find yourself saying, "Wait, this isn't how my life was supposed to go"? The truth is that it’s never too late to write a new story of who you are and how you want your life to be. So many ti... MORE
My experience includes helping adults cope with the challenges of life transitions that often include relationship issues, family conflict, parenting ... MORE
ADHD, Anxiety, Autism, Dementia / Neuroc
+16 More
Treatment Approach
Behavioral modification, Cognitive Behav
+15 More
Aetna, VNPN, Unity Preferred Network, Ci
+13 More
My experience includes helping adults cope with the challenges of life transitions that often include relationship issues, family conflict, parenting issues, and career difficulties. Within my practi... MORE
Patricia came into the field of mental health in 1989 with a Master of Arts in Teaching. In 1993 Patricia returned to Case Western Reserve University ... MORE
Anxiety, Child or Adolescent Mental Heal
+11 More
Treatment Approach
Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT),
+14 More
Cigna, Anthem, Medical Mutual of Ohio, U
+18 More
Patricia came into the field of mental health in 1989 with a Master of Arts in Teaching. In 1993 Patricia returned to Case Western Reserve University where she earned a Master of Science in Social Adm... MORE
I have been working in the behavior health field for 40 years as a therapist as well as a clinical supervisor and administrator in small and large beh... MORE
Anger Management, Anxiety, Depression, F
+11 More
Treatment Approach
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Emot
+6 More
Prime Health, OccuNet, Decent, Unity Pre
+13 More
I have been working in the behavior health field for 40 years as a therapist as well as a clinical supervisor and administrator in small and large behavioral health organizations. I was born in Kentuc... MORE