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Salem, VA Therapy for Child or Adolescent Mental Health
Children and teens face unique emotional, social, and developmental challenges. Psych Hub connects families to mental health professionals who specialize in nurturing young minds with proven strategies and supportive care. Whether it’s ADHD, anxiety, or mood issues, find the guidance you need to help your child thrive—start your search at Psych Hub.
Top Match
I am a Licensed Clinical Social Worker. I speak English only. The therapeutic goals and interventions will be based on the client’s individual need... MORE
ADHD, Anger Management, Anxiety, Bipolar
+15 More
Treatment Approach
Behavioral modification, Eclectic, Famil
+9 More
Prime Health, Self Pay, Cigna, Kaiser, U
+13 More
I am a Licensed Clinical Social Worker. I speak English only. The therapeutic goals and interventions will be based on the client’s individual needs to address their specific concerns and reasons t... MORE
Top Match
Sometimes we all feel overwhelmed and need to learn healthier ways to cope. Stress can impact your relationships, work, and your physical wellbeing. ... MORE
ADHD, Addiction, Anxiety, Bipolar Disord
+16 More
Treatment Approach
Coaching, Dialectical Behavior Therapy (
+10 More
Centivo, Bright Health Plan, OccuNet, Ka
+14 More
Sometimes we all feel overwhelmed and need to learn healthier ways to cope. Stress can impact your relationships, work, and your physical wellbeing. Whether your concern centers around family issues,... MORE
Top Match
Welcome to the start of your healing journey! I am McKenna Sharpe, a Licensed Clinical Social Worker dedicated to guiding you through this transformat... MORE
Anxiety, Child or Adolescent Mental Heal
+12 More
Treatment Approach
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Fait
+2 More
All Savers, AvMed, Cigna, EAP, Evernorth
+13 More
Welcome to the start of your healing journey! I am McKenna Sharpe, a Licensed Clinical Social Worker dedicated to guiding you through this transformative process. With extensive experience counseling ... MORE
My name is Erin, I am a Licensed Professional Counselor in the state of Virginia and the owner of Be the Change Therapeutic Services, where I teach ch... MORE
ADHD, Anger Management, Anxiety, Child o
+12 More
Treatment Approach
Person-centered (Rogerian)
All Savers, AvMed, Blue Cross Blue Shiel
+14 More
My name is Erin, I am a Licensed Professional Counselor in the state of Virginia and the owner of Be the Change Therapeutic Services, where I teach children, adolescents and adults how to manage their... MORE
I graduated from the University of Gdansk, Poland (B.A. Psychology), and obtained a Master's in professional counseling from Libe... MORE
Child or Adolescent Mental Health, Copin
+10 More
Treatment Approach
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)
Aetna, All Savers, AvMed, Blue Cross Blu
+16 More
I graduated from the University of Gdansk, Poland (B.A. Psychology), and obtained a Master's in professional counseling from Liberty University, Lynchburg, Virginia. I am licensed... MORE
Hello! I'm Shanta Clay, a Licensed Clinical Social Worker dedicated to supporting you in your journey towards personal growth and well-being. Recogniz... MORE
Anger Management, Antisocial Behavior, A
+12 More
Treatment Approach
Behavioral Activation Therapy, Behaviora
+12 More
Prime Health, OccuNet, VNPN, ClaimDOC, C
+13 More
Hello! I'm Shanta Clay, a Licensed Clinical Social Worker dedicated to supporting you in your journey towards personal growth and well-being. Recognizing the need for change is a brave first step, and... MORE
I am a Licensed Clinical Social Worker and a Certified Substance Abuse Counselor in the state of Virginia with more than 6 years of experience working... MORE
Addiction, Anger Management, Anxiety, Ch
+9 More
Treatment Approach
Behavioral modification, Cognitive Behav
+5 More
Kaiser, United Health Care, Centivo, Cla
+15 More
I am a Licensed Clinical Social Worker and a Certified Substance Abuse Counselor in the state of Virginia with more than 6 years of experience working in the counseling/social work field. My experienc... MORE
Hello, and thank you for taking the first step in your journey to a better you! I’m a Licensed Clinical Social Worker and Licensed Substance Abuse C... MORE
ADHD, Anger Management, Anxiety, Bipolar
+12 More
Treatment Approach
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)
Aetna, All Savers, AvMed, Cigna, EAP, Ev
+15 More
Hello, and thank you for taking the first step in your journey to a better you! I’m a Licensed Clinical Social Worker and Licensed Substance Abuse Counselor. My career spans twenty years of working ... MORE
I am a Licensed Clinical Social Worker in North Carolina and Virginia. We are faced with so many obstacles in life that we never expected. Sometimes i... MORE
Anger Management, Anxiety, Child or Adol
+10 More
Treatment Approach
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Ecle
+6 More
ClaimDOC, Aetna, Decent, Humana, Cigna,
+16 More
I am a Licensed Clinical Social Worker in North Carolina and Virginia. We are faced with so many obstacles in life that we never expected. Sometimes it is difficult navigating different stages in our ... MORE
Hi, I am a Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC) based in Virginia. I have over 10 years of experience working with children, adolescents and adults. ... MORE
ADHD, Anger Management, Anxiety, Bipolar
+12 More
Treatment Approach
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Pers
+1 More
Aetna, All Savers, AvMed, Blue Cross Blu
+15 More
Hi, I am a Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC) based in Virginia. I have over 10 years of experience working with children, adolescents and adults. I strive to create a safe and supportive environme... MORE
Dawn Peterson-Lewis is a Licensed Professional Counselor with over 16 years of experience in mental health, coaching, and consulting. She is dedicated... MORE
Anger Management, Anxiety, Bipolar Disor
+19 More
Treatment Approach
Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT),
+18 More
Decent, Prime Health, United Health Care
+13 More
Dawn Peterson-Lewis is a Licensed Professional Counselor with over 16 years of experience in mental health, coaching, and consulting. She is dedicated to empowering women and teens, especially minorit... MORE
I am LPC with a demonstrated history of working with children, adolescents, and adults.
I love helping people with being their best selves and helpin... MORE
ADHD, Anger Management, Antisocial Behav
+17 More
Treatment Approach
Behavioral modification, Biofeedback, Co
+8 More
Cigna, OccuNet, Self Pay, Aetna, United
+19 More
I am LPC with a demonstrated history of working with children, adolescents, and adults.
I love helping people with being their best selves and helping them to improve their lives.
I am skilled in Ca... MORE
How do you manage rapid thoughts or intrusive thoughts? How do you handle past trauma or invalidation? How do you handle intense emotions?
It's m... MORE
ADHD, Anger Management, Anxiety, Bipolar
+12 More
Treatment Approach
Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT),
+9 More
Self Pay, United Health Care, CareFirst,
+13 More
How do you manage rapid thoughts or intrusive thoughts? How do you handle past trauma or invalidation? How do you handle intense emotions?
It's my calling to aid others in managing intense emotio... MORE
I am a Licensed Clinical Social Worker based in Virginia, with a career spanning over 26 years. I firmly believe in the power of empathy, being non-j... MORE
Addiction, Anger Management, Antisocial
+25 More
Treatment Approach
Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT),
+20 More
United Health Care, Prime Health, Decent
+13 More
I am a Licensed Clinical Social Worker based in Virginia, with a career spanning over 26 years. I firmly believe in the power of empathy, being non-judgmental, and a strengths based-perspective to e... MORE
Hi! I am a licensed, board certified psychiatric nurse practitioner with experience treating all age groups. I hold a Doctorate in Nursing practice wi... MORE
ADHD, Addiction, Autism, Child or Adoles
+12 More
Treatment Approach
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)
Aetna, All Savers, AvMed, Cigna, Evernor
+13 More
Hi! I am a licensed, board certified psychiatric nurse practitioner with experience treating all age groups. I hold a Doctorate in Nursing practice with a psychiatry specialty. I specialize in meditat... MORE
Ruth Esmeralda Mena, PMHNP, is a board-certified bi-lingual (Spanish & English). I have over eight years of diverse experience in community, outpatien... MORE
ADHD, Anxiety, Bipolar Disorder, Child o
+12 More
Treatment Approach
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Comp
+4 More
Aetna, All Savers, AvMed, Blue Cross Blu
+14 More
Ruth Esmeralda Mena, PMHNP, is a board-certified bi-lingual (Spanish & English). I have over eight years of diverse experience in community, outpatient, and acute care settings. I treat all mental hea... MORE
I am Bradley Chamberlain, a licensed clinical social worker/mental health professional located in Iowa, but clinically licensed in IA, NE, CO and TX. ... MORE
ADHD, Anxiety, Child or Adolescent Menta
+9 More
Treatment Approach
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Moti
+4 More
Aetna, All Savers, AvMed, Cigna, EAP, Ev
+13 More
I am Bradley Chamberlain, a licensed clinical social worker/mental health professional located in Iowa, but clinically licensed in IA, NE, CO and TX. I work with individuals with ADHD, OCD, Trauma, a... MORE
Hi. My name is Reba James. I am a Licensed Clinical Social Worker (LCSW). I received my Masters for Virginia Commonwealth University and have been pra... MORE
ADHD, Anger Management, Anxiety, Autism,
+12 More
Treatment Approach
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Mind
+1 More
All Savers, AvMed, Blue Cross Blue Shiel
+15 More
Hi. My name is Reba James. I am a Licensed Clinical Social Worker (LCSW). I received my Masters for Virginia Commonwealth University and have been practicing for 6+ years. I will provide a safe, non-j... MORE
I have worked with diverse populations of individuals ranging from children, adolescents, adults, veterans, and couples. My specialty includes, but no... MORE
Anxiety, Bipolar Disorder, Child or Adol
+12 More
Treatment Approach
Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT),
+16 More
Bright Health Plan, United Health Care,
+16 More
I have worked with diverse populations of individuals ranging from children, adolescents, adults, veterans, and couples. My specialty includes, but not limited to the treatment of depression, anxiety,... MORE
My name is Natalie Lewis and I'm a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist in the state of Florida. My educational background is in psychology,... MORE
Anxiety, Child or Adolescent Mental Heal
+10 More
Treatment Approach
Aetna, All Savers, Ambetter, AvMed, Cign
+16 More
My name is Natalie Lewis and I'm a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist in the state of Florida. My educational background is in psychology, marriage and family therapy, and industrial organ... MORE
Paula Kirtley, LCSW, certified in Cognitive Processing Therapy (CPT) and Solution-Focused Brief Therapy and Certified Substance Abuse Counselor. I am ... MORE
Addiction, Anger Management, Anxiety, Bi
+21 More
Treatment Approach
Attachment-based, Behavioral modificatio
+19 More
Decent, Aetna, Self Pay, Kaiser, ClaimDO
+13 More
Paula Kirtley, LCSW, certified in Cognitive Processing Therapy (CPT) and Solution-Focused Brief Therapy and Certified Substance Abuse Counselor. I am currently accepting clients for individual and/or ... MORE
I coach adults who struggle with unhealthy relationships that triggers anxiety and depression. I teach solution-focused based coping skills through th... MORE
Anxiety, Child or Adolescent Mental Heal
+12 More
Treatment Approach
Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT),
+12 More
CareFirst, United Health Care, Kaiser, S
+13 More
I coach adults who struggle with unhealthy relationships that triggers anxiety and depression. I teach solution-focused based coping skills through the lens of attach theory to overcome cycles of toxi... MORE
As a therapist, I specialize in supporting adults and teenagers from diverse backgrounds who are dealing with various challenges such as depression, a... MORE
Anger Management, Anxiety, Bipolar Disor
+16 More
Treatment Approach
Behavioral modification, Cognitive Behav
+10 More
Aetna, Anthem, Prime Health, VNPN, Kaise
+13 More
As a therapist, I specialize in supporting adults and teenagers from diverse backgrounds who are dealing with various challenges such as depression, anxiety, grief, cultural adjustment, and trauma. My... MORE
I'm looking to partner with you to merge our strengths in order to discern which tools will be most effective in your journey. I have been working wit... MORE
Anger Management, Anxiety, Child or Adol
+11 More
Treatment Approach
Aetna, All Savers, AvMed, Golden Rule, H
+9 More
I'm looking to partner with you to merge our strengths in order to discern which tools will be most effective in your journey. I have been working with children and their families my entire career. S... MORE
I have experience working with clients who need support with family conflict, relationship issues, life changes, adjustments, ADHD, anxiety, depressio... MORE
ADHD, Addiction, Anger Management, Antis
+18 More
Treatment Approach
Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT),
+19 More
Cigna, Self Pay, Anthem, Prime Health, A
+14 More
I have experience working with clients who need support with family conflict, relationship issues, life changes, adjustments, ADHD, anxiety, depression, grief, coping skills, & parenting. My goal is t... MORE
Elizabeth is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker with 30 years of experience working with children, youth, adults, seniors, and families to address thei... MORE
ADHD, Anger Management, Antisocial Behav
+20 More
Treatment Approach
Behavioral modification, Christian Couns
+8 More
Prime Health, CareFirst, TriWest, Bright
+19 More
Elizabeth is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker with 30 years of experience working with children, youth, adults, seniors, and families to address their mental health concerns and improve their overall... MORE
Hello! I'm a Licensed Clinical Mental Health Counselor (LCMHC) in North Carolina and a Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC) in Virginia, with a Maste... MORE
Anger Management, Anxiety, Child or Adol
+5 More
Treatment Approach
Person-centered (Rogerian)
Aetna, All Savers, AvMed, Blue Cross Blu
+15 More
Hello! I'm a Licensed Clinical Mental Health Counselor (LCMHC) in North Carolina and a Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC) in Virginia, with a Master's degree from Xavier University of Louisiana. Wi... MORE
I received my Masters in Social Work, Planning, and Administration from Virginia Commonwealth University have over 20 years of experience in the field... MORE
Anxiety, Bipolar Disorder, Child or Adol
+7 More
Treatment Approach
Eye Movement Desensitization and Reproce
Aetna, All Savers, AvMed, Blue Cross Blu
+16 More
I received my Masters in Social Work, Planning, and Administration from Virginia Commonwealth University have over 20 years of experience in the field of social work, advocating and serving people wit... MORE
The counseling profession, for me, was precipitated out of a necessity to have an impartial view of the events of life. I believe there is power in ad... MORE
ADHD, Anger Management, Anxiety, Child o
+18 More
Treatment Approach
Christian Counseling, Cognitive Behavior
+6 More
Self Pay, Aetna, Unity Preferred Network
+13 More
The counseling profession, for me, was precipitated out of a necessity to have an impartial view of the events of life. I believe there is power in addressing one’s physical and emotional needs. My ... MORE
Are you struggling with your work-life balance, family unit, parent-child relationship, or other relationships? Are these conflicts bringing you overw... MORE
Addiction, Anxiety, Career Counseling, C
+9 More
Treatment Approach
Kaiser, Self Pay, Tufts
+2 More
Are you struggling with your work-life balance, family unit, parent-child relationship, or other relationships? Are these conflicts bringing you overwhelming emotions and distress? Are you in need of ... MORE