Resources / Addiction / What is Sex Addiction? Understanding the Signs, Symptoms, and Treatment Options

3 min read

Last updated 9/5/24

By: Psych Hub

Clinical Reviewer: Marjorie Morrison, LMFT, LPCC

What is Sex Addiction? Understanding the Signs, Symptoms, and Treatment Options

The Struggle is Real: Recognizing Sex Addiction

Replacing one addiction with another is a common challenge many people face. For example, consider someone who, after establishing recovery from drug use, feels as though they're replacing that addiction with sex. They might find themselves unable to stop watching porn, even disrupting their professional life by doing so during work hours. This scenario exemplifies the complexity of sex addiction, where the compulsion to engage in sexual behaviors becomes uncontrollable and life-disrupting.

Understanding Sex Addiction

Is sex addiction a real thing? While our understanding of sex addiction is still evolving, it is recognized in some diagnostic manuals.1 While the International Classification of Diseases (ICD-11), the global manual for diagnostic health information, acknowledges sex addiction as Compulsive Sexual Behavior Disorder (CSBD), the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM), the guide healthcare clinicians use to diagnose mental and developmental disorders, does not yet include sex addiction or CSBD as a diagnosis. The condition is also sometimes referred to as hypersexuality.

Sex addiction falls under behavioral addictions, similar to gambling or binge eating, and should not be confused with what one might consider healthy sexual activity. It involves compulsive sexual behaviors that the individual regrets or that lead to significant consequences.

Types of Compulsive Sexual Behaviors

Sex addiction can manifest in various ways, including:

  • Compulsive masturbation
  • Excessive cybersex or phone sex
  • Continuous porn use
  • Compulsively visiting strip clubs, despite potential negative consequences2

Symptoms of Compulsive Sexual Behavior Disorder

Recognizing the symptoms of Compulsive Sexual Behavior Disorder is crucial for seeking help. These symptoms, as outlined in the ICD-11, include:

  • Unsuccessful attempts to control sexual impulses or reduce sexual activity
  • Engaging in sexual behavior even when it results in negative consequences and offers little to no pleasure
  • Making sex the center of one's life, causing distress, and neglecting relationships, responsibilities, and self-care
  • Experiencing distress not solely due to moral or social judgments

To meet the diagnosis, these symptoms typically persist for at least six months.3

There are also other signs of sex addiction that, while not part of the official diagnosis, can be red flags:

  • Using Sex as an escape: Engaging in sexual activities to avoid dealing with difficult emotions.
  • Building tolerance: Needing increasingly frequent or intense sexual activities to achieve the same emotional effect.
  • Experiencing withdrawal: Feeling an urgent need for certain types of sexual behavior to prevent overwhelming negative emotions, despite knowing the consequences.

Identifying with These Symptoms

If you find yourself identifying with several of these symptoms and behaviors, it may be time to consider that sex addiction could be a part of your life. Acknowledging the problem is the first step toward healing and seeking the appropriate help.

Next Steps Toward Understanding and Recovery

The path forward involves a more detailed exploration of the symptoms and potentially undergoing a screening process with a professional to determine the best course of action. Don't worry; if sex addiction is diagnosed, there are many treatment options and coping mechanisms available.

Treatment Options for Sex Addiction

There is hope for those dealing with sex addiction. Here are some steps and resources to consider:

  • 12-Step Support Groups: There are multiple groups similar to Alcoholics Anonymous that help individuals struggling with sex addiction. Some of these include Sex and Love Addicts Anonymous, Sex Addicts Anonymous, and Sexaholics Anonymous.
  • Professional Therapy: Reaching out to a mental health provider who specializes in behavioral addictions can provide evidence-based treatments and personalized strategies for recovery.

Overlapping Addictions

It's noteworthy that sex addiction often coexists with other types of addictions, such as those to drugs or alcohol. Understanding that these addictions can reinforce each other can help in developing a comprehensive approach to treatment and recovery.


Sex addiction is a serious condition that can have far-reaching consequences in various aspects of life. Understanding the signs, acknowledging the disorder, and taking active steps toward seeking help are crucial for recovery. There is support available, and no one has to face this struggle alone.

If you find yourself or someone you know experiencing the symptoms of sex addiction, know that the first step towards healing is acknowledging the problem and seeking help. Through support groups, professional therapy, and educational resources, it is possible to manage and overcome sex addiction, paving the way toward a healthier and more fulfilling life. Remember, recovery is a journey, and taking that first step is a powerful move toward wellness.


  1. Sahithya, B. R., & Kashyap, R. S. (2022). Sexual addiction disorder— a review with recent updates. Journal of Psychosexual Health, 4(2), 95–101.
  2. Miller, J., & Hoffman, K. S. (2024, May 10). Sex addiction warning signs - the top 7 signs of sex addiction.
  3. World Health Organization. (2022). ICD-11: International classification of diseases (11th revision).
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