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Family Therapy Providers in Dolores, CO
Top Match
Do you often see patterns in your life that you would like to change ,yet still repeat them? Counseling sessions will provide the support and guidance... MORE
Anxiety, Couples Counseling, Dissociativ
+11 More
Treatment Approach
Mind-body approach
Aetna, All Savers, AvMed, Blue Cross Blu
+15 More
Do you often see patterns in your life that you would like to change ,yet still repeat them? Counseling sessions will provide the support and guidance to understand and release emotions that keep you ... MORE
Addiction, Anxiety, Bipolar Disorder, Ch
+16 More
Treatment Approach
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Dial
+11 More
Prime Health, Aetna, Self Pay, TriWest,
+16 More
Hello! My name is Amy Boggs, and I am a Licensed Professional Counselor with a deep personal and professional commitment to helping others. I was born in South Korea and came to the US at the age of f... MORE
Hi, I’m Deedra Ivie. My goal is to help you find the strength that is already inside of you and bring that to light. Each client is different and ha... MORE
Anxiety, Depression, Family Conflict, Li
+6 More
Treatment Approach
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Dial
+3 More
Unity Preferred Network, United Health C
+19 More
Hi, I’m Deedra Ivie. My goal is to help you find the strength that is already inside of you and bring that to light. Each client is different and has needs unique to their upbringing and life circum... MORE
Two websites give the broadest view of my experiences and multicultural background with regard to healthy and balanced life. I was raised as an "Air F... MORE
Addiction, Career Counseling, Couples Co
+9 More
Treatment Approach
Child Parent Psychotherapy, Eclectic, Em
+4 More
Aetna, All Savers, AvMed, Cigna, EAP, Ev
+13 More
Two websites give the broadest view of my experiences and multicultural background with regard to healthy and balanced life. I was raised as an "Air Force Brat" in different countries and come from an... MORE
Hello there, my name is Glenise.
I would be honored to walk alongside you on your Journey Back To You, if YOU allow it.
I work with adult men and ... MORE
Addiction, Anger Management, Career Coun
+14 More
Treatment Approach
Aetna, All Savers, AvMed, Blue Cross Blu
+12 More
Hello there, my name is Glenise.
I would be honored to walk alongside you on your Journey Back To You, if YOU allow it.
I work with adult men and women who are experiencing life stressors that can... MORE
Having provided client centered therapy for over 30 years, from emergency work to research and clinical practice, I have learned that no one is immune... MORE
Anger Management, Anxiety, Child or Adol
+17 More
Treatment Approach
Behavioral modification, Cognitive Behav
+7 More
United Health Care, Prime Health, Medica
+22 More
Having provided client centered therapy for over 30 years, from emergency work to research and clinical practice, I have learned that no one is immune to life's difficulties, robbing some of peace in ... MORE
If you are a creative soul, an artist, a writer, an actor, a performer, or even a unique individual looking to tell your story in this world and are l... MORE
ADHD, Addiction, Anger Management, Copin
+6 More
Treatment Approach
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Mind
+3 More
Aetna, All Savers, AvMed, Blue Cross Blu
+14 More
If you are a creative soul, an artist, a writer, an actor, a performer, or even a unique individual looking to tell your story in this world and are looking for wide ranging help in areas of life and ... MORE
A core desire in life is to be fully known and accepted. At the heart of being known is the need for full honesty with ourselves and others in the mid... MORE
Anxiety, Depression, Family Conflict, Li
+8 More
Treatment Approach
Christian Counseling, Cognitive Behavior
+7 More
Unity Preferred Network, VNPN, ClaimDOC,
+14 More
A core desire in life is to be fully known and accepted. At the heart of being known is the need for full honesty with ourselves and others in the midst of growth in changing life experiences. Honesty... MORE
Since 2010, I have had the privilege of working with clients who have faced various challenges such as mood disorders, suicidal thoughts, anxiety, ADH... MORE
ADHD, Autism, Child or Adolescent Mental
+7 More
Treatment Approach
Attachment-based, Cognitive Behavioral T
+9 More
TriWest, ClaimDOC, Kaiser, Anthem, Self
+16 More
Since 2010, I have had the privilege of working with clients who have faced various challenges such as mood disorders, suicidal thoughts, anxiety, ADHD, Autism, difficulties adjusting to family life, ... MORE
Jennifer is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker with a master’s degree in social work from Boston University and a bachelor’s degree in sociology fr... MORE
Anxiety, Child or Adolescent Mental Heal
+7 More
Treatment Approach
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Dial
+4 More
TriWest, Aetna, Self Pay, Kaiser, ClaimD
+15 More
Jennifer is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker with a master’s degree in social work from Boston University and a bachelor’s degree in sociology from CU Denver.
Specializing in trauma, she has pro... MORE