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Jenera, OH Therapy Accepting Home State Health Insurance
Top Match
Thankfully, I consider myself blessed to have never “worked” a day in my life. I started over 25 years ago providing clinical social work to abuse... MORE
Anxiety, Child or Adolescent Mental Heal
+13 More
Treatment Approach
Behavioral modification, Coaching, Cogni
+11 More
Home State Health, Self Pay, OccuNet, Ca
+16 More
Thankfully, I consider myself blessed to have never “worked” a day in my life. I started over 25 years ago providing clinical social work to abused and neglected children and adolescents. Over the... MORE
I graduated from The Ohio State University and am a licensed counselor practicing in Dublin Ohio. My focus areas are stress management, "walk and talk... MORE
ADHD, Anxiety, Depression, Grief, Insomn
+8 More
Treatment Approach
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Eye
+8 More
Aetna, Anthem, Cigna, Medical Mutual of
+4 More
I graduated from The Ohio State University and am a licensed counselor practicing in Dublin Ohio. My focus areas are stress management, "walk and talk" therapy, EMDR, and psychogenic non-epileptic sei... MORE
She is a licensed professional clinical counselor with seven years of counseling experience. She has previous experience as a juvenile probation offic... MORE
Anxiety, Depression, Family Conflict, Gr
+11 More
Treatment Approach
Behavioral modification, Christian Couns
+4 More
Medical Mutual of Ohio, Unity Preferred
+14 More
She is a licensed professional clinical counselor with seven years of counseling experience. She has previous experience as a juvenile probation officer, paralegal, and correction officer before retur... MORE
I provide telehealth therapy services to clients, offering flexible appointment availability during evenings and weekends. As a Licensed Professional ... MORE
Anxiety, Bipolar Disorder, Depression, F
+11 More
Treatment Approach
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Dial
+8 More
Centivo, Decent, United Health Care, Med
+13 More
I provide telehealth therapy services to clients, offering flexible appointment availability during evenings and weekends. As a Licensed Professional Clinical Counselor with a supervisory designation,... MORE
Have you ever wondered why a certain song or smell can take you back to a certain place in time? Or why you can hear your loved one in a crowd, even t... MORE
ADHD, Anger Management, Anxiety, Depress
+12 More
Treatment Approach
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Gest
+10 More
Aetna, Anthem, Cigna, Medical Mutual of
+4 More
Have you ever wondered why a certain song or smell can take you back to a certain place in time? Or why you can hear your loved one in a crowd, even though you know they are no longer alive? Are you t... MORE
I hold a Master of Education in Clinical Mental Health Counseling from Kent State University and am a Licensed Professional Clinical Counselor (LPCC).... MORE
Anxiety, Depression, Obsessive-Compulsiv
+5 More
Treatment Approach
Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT),
+7 More
Aetna, Anthem, Cigna, Medical Mutual of
+4 More
I hold a Master of Education in Clinical Mental Health Counseling from Kent State University and am a Licensed Professional Clinical Counselor (LPCC). Since entering the mental health field in 2015, I... MORE
I have a Bachelor of Social Work from Mount Vernon Nazarene University in 2010, and a Masters of Social Work from the University of Akron in 2013. I h... MORE
ADHD, Anger Management, Anxiety, Bipolar
+19 More
Treatment Approach
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Huma
+9 More
Aetna, Anthem, Cigna, Medical Mutual of
+4 More
I have a Bachelor of Social Work from Mount Vernon Nazarene University in 2010, and a Masters of Social Work from the University of Akron in 2013. I have experience working community mental health, me... MORE
I have been working in the mental health field since 2013. Prior to that, I worked in special education. In the mental health field, I have worked in ... MORE
Anger Management, Antisocial Behavior, A
+15 More
Treatment Approach
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Ecle
+5 More
ClaimDOC, Unity Preferred Network, VNPN,
+13 More
I have been working in the mental health field since 2013. Prior to that, I worked in special education. In the mental health field, I have worked in a variety of areas, including employment, child an... MORE
I ask alot of questions.
Your wellbeing will be attended to through shared decision making that includes your creativity, knowledge, and perspectiv... MORE
Treatment Approach
Ambetter, Anthem, Blue Cross Blue Shield
+7 More
I ask alot of questions.
Your wellbeing will be attended to through shared decision making that includes your creativity, knowledge, and perspective. It is the necessity of this dialogue that enga... MORE
I'm a therapist who enjoys the process of getting to know the client to help them attain their mental health goals and overcome the challenges they ma... MORE
ADHD, Anger Management, Anxiety, Bipolar
+23 More
Treatment Approach
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Gott
+3 More
Aetna, Anthem, Cigna, Medical Mutual of
+4 More
I'm a therapist who enjoys the process of getting to know the client to help them attain their mental health goals and overcome the challenges they may face.
I used a strength-based person-centered ap... MORE