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Warner, OK Therapy for Depression
Depression can cast a shadow over every aspect of life, but help is within reach. Psych Hub connects you with mental health professionals who provide empathy, tools, and evidence-based treatments to uplift your mood and restore hope. You don't have to face these feelings alone—start your path to brighter days today.
Top Match
I am a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist in the State of Florida and Oklahoma. I have been in practice for 25 years. I have worked with Couples... MORE
Addiction, Anger Management, Anxiety, Ch
+15 More
Treatment Approach
Aetna, All Savers, Ambetter, AvMed, Blue
+14 More
I am a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist in the State of Florida and Oklahoma. I have been in practice for 25 years. I have worked with Couples, Families and Children. I have worked within the... MORE
Top Match
Hi! I'm a Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC) in the states of Oklahoma and Texas. I received my Masters Degree from Oral Roberts University and hav... MORE
ADHD, Anger Management, Anxiety, Coping
+12 More
Treatment Approach
Aetna, All Savers, AvMed, Cigna, EAP, Ev
+13 More
Hi! I'm a Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC) in the states of Oklahoma and Texas. I received my Masters Degree from Oral Roberts University and have been practicing for 5 years. I help people quit ... MORE
Top Match
Hello! My name is Michelle Parker. I am a Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC) based in Texas. I received my master's degrees from Grand Canyon Unive... MORE
Anger Management, Anxiety, Coping Skills
+12 More
Treatment Approach
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Pers
+2 More
All Savers, AvMed, Cigna, EAP, Evernorth
+12 More
Hello! My name is Michelle Parker. I am a Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC) based in Texas. I received my master's degrees from Grand Canyon University in both Addiction Counseling and Professiona... MORE
Hi! I’m a Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC) based in Texas. I received my Masters from Walden University and have been practicing for four years... MORE
Anxiety, Bipolar Disorder, Chronic Illne
+6 More
Treatment Approach
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)
Aetna, All Savers, AvMed, Blue Cross Blu
+16 More
Hi! I’m a Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC) based in Texas. I received my Masters from Walden University and have been practicing for four years. I am currently a Doctoral Candidate at Walden Un... MORE
It can be hard to reach out for help, especially when sorting through all the complex thoughts and feelings associated with the things that concern yo... MORE
Anger Management, Anxiety, Depression, F
+10 More
Treatment Approach
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Moti
+2 More
VNPN, ClaimDOC, Prime Health, TriWest, D
+11 More
It can be hard to reach out for help, especially when sorting through all the complex thoughts and feelings associated with the things that concern you. Feeling heard and supported is very important i... MORE
Hi! I am a licensed clinical professional counselor based in Maryland. I have worked in the counseling field for about 20 years. I love helping peo... MORE
Career Counseling, Coping Skills, Depres
+10 More
Treatment Approach
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Ecle
+4 More
Aetna, All Savers, AvMed, CareFirst, Cig
+16 More
Hi! I am a licensed clinical professional counselor based in Maryland. I have worked in the counseling field for about 20 years. I love helping people deal with change as they face life transitions... MORE
Are you pondering on embracing a new pathway to healing? Ready to conquer those negative thoughts or triumph over trauma to meet that you that you hav... MORE
ADHD, Addiction, Anger Management, Anxie
+12 More
Treatment Approach
Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT),
+3 More
Aetna, All Savers, Ambetter, AvMed, Cign
+15 More
Are you pondering on embracing a new pathway to healing? Ready to conquer those negative thoughts or triumph over trauma to meet that you that you have never seen? Look no further. I am a licensed the... MORE
Hi! I'm a Licensed Clinical Social Worked licensed in both Oklahoma and Virginia. I received my Masters from Arizona State University and have been p... MORE
ADHD, Anger Management, Anxiety, Autism,
+12 More
Treatment Approach
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Eye
+4 More
Aetna, All Savers, AvMed, Cigna, EAP, Ev
+15 More
Hi! I'm a Licensed Clinical Social Worked licensed in both Oklahoma and Virginia. I received my Masters from Arizona State University and have been practicing for 5 years. Prior to becoming a therapi... MORE
Teletherapy & Virtual Care
Bend Health is a virtual clinic that delivers timely, high-quality mental health care for children, teens, and families. They connect you with license... MORE
ADHD, Anger Management, Anxiety, Child o
+25 More
Treatment Approach
Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT),
+11 More
Blue Cross Blue Shield, Cigna, Evernorth
+6 More
Bend Health is a virtual clinic that delivers timely, high-quality mental health care for children, teens, and families. They connect you with licensed therapists and clinicians, offering evidence-bas... MORE
I would love to accompany you on your healing journey, even if just for a little while. I approach counseling with an Internal Family Systems framewor... MORE
Anger Management, Anxiety, Coping Skills
+8 More
Treatment Approach
Internal Family Systems (IFS)
All Savers, AvMed, Cigna, EAP, Evernorth
+13 More
I would love to accompany you on your healing journey, even if just for a little while. I approach counseling with an Internal Family Systems framework and can help you find a way to communicate and s... MORE